A lot goes behind the scenes in the smooth running of a 3-hour hashtag#Ignite 90-day planning prioritisation workshop. There is little room for error and you are dealing with a range of different personalities who all have a voice that needs to be heard if we are to achieve a unified outcome.
It definately helps having:
1) Good initiative data coming into the workshop that the respective streams have already got a good grasp on
3) Strong supportive sponsors/stakeholders like Tricia Brand and Geoff Purcell
4) An awesome team who is focussed and on-the-ball like Simone Hambrook and Devon White
#200Ignites @AwesomeTeam AdaptivOrg + Seisma SEISMA GROUP
James Cook University, Simone Hambrook, Devon White, Robert Cass, Jason Wu, Anthony Kandi, Radha Mohan, Sushrut Kamath