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Understanding Each Teams Dominant Superhero

Updated: Apr 13, 2023

Now that you have been introduced to the Superheroes around the place you work and their dominant superpowers, now comes the really exciting news! Just like the Marvel and DC Superheroes, they are most effective when they overcome their differences and learn to team up and work together. The Insights Discovery Diagnostic helps us understand each other #team s dominant superpowers and also how our superpowers might come across in a negative light. Pair this knowledge up with one of our powerful Ignite workshops and you are on the road to developing a formidable team that can face any challenge (and have some fun along the way). And here are the 4 Superheroes if you missed them: Sunshine Yellow: 🟡 🟡 🟡 Earth Green: 🟢 🟢 🟢 Fiery Red: 🔴 🔴 🔴 Cool Blue: 🔵 🔵 🔵 #200Ignites AdaptivOrg + Seisma SEISMA GROUP Insights Anthony Kandi, Robert Cass, Jason Wu, Harry Gouskos


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