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Unexpected Changes are Inevitable

Updated: Apr 13, 2023

Unexpected changes are inevitable. What's important is that when the unexpected comes about, we're making pragmatic decisions to ensure that we're always working on the most important things. Ask yourself 3 simple questions. 1. Is this request more important than what we are currently working on? 2. If it is, do we have the capacity to complete it? 3. If we don't have the capacity, what lower important activity will we defer to work on this. It doesn't need to be more complicated than that. Don't accept any change without this test. How many changes are reasonable? As a rule of thumb, under 30% over a 90-day period is reasonable. Any more than that, and you are probably not getting anything done. #200Ignites AdaptivOrg + Seisma SEISMA GROUP Follow me on LinkedIn:



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